About - Discounted Furnace Filters

Hi! My name is Lucas! I started Discounted Furnace Filters at the height of the the pandemic. Like many, I found myself locked inside my home, baking loaves of bread and taking Zoom calls in my pajamas. During this time, I became more concerned about the indoor air quality of my home. I noticed the little ones were more congested and my snoring had gotten worse (or so my partner tells me). Eventually, I realized that the problem was our furnace filters. The filters I had ordered online were cheap, ineffective, and ill-fitting for my air filtration system. I needed a better solution. 

After days of searching online for high quality filters at a reasonable price, I was surprised to see how little options there were. Of the websites that were affordable, many of them had terrible reviews that shared horror stories of poor customer services and unethical business practice (e.g. baiting with OEM filter photos and then switching with cheap knock-offs). I saw an opportunity to solve this problem.

With some savings, I decided to take a leap of faith and start Discounted Furnace Filters with my brother who is an experienced HVAC technician. Our mission was to bring quality, affordable filtration products to families like ours across the USA and Canada. To do this, we decided to buy and sell in bulk to cut costs. This model was perfect in our eyes because filters are a routine purchase –– buying in bulk not only saves you money but it also affords you the peace-of-mind knowing that you have extra filters when you need them.